Alcohol and DUI Laws

There are many rules and regulations that concern alcohol across the United States. Whether it involves when and where alcohol may be sold or who may consume it, it is vital to understand the law where you live. The consequences of violating these laws may range from paying a fine to spending mandatory time in jail.
This site is intended to inform the public of alcohol laws in their state. Please remember that many local municipalities may impose additional rules and regulations regarding alcoholic beverages – even above and beyond state law.
There are some rules that appear consistent on the surface. For example, 21 is the recognized legal drinking age across the United States. However, even this rule is subject to special circumstances depending on the location. Some states may allow minors to drink on private property, while other states allow a minor to consume alcohol for religious purposes.
Another rule that every state seems to enforce is a legal limit against Blood Alcohol Content of 0.08% or higher. However, even lower blood alcohol content may be prosecuted for DUI in some states if the state believes it can prove that the driver was less safe due to alcohol impairment.
Rules about the sale of alcohol vary widely. Some cities and counties are “dry” meaning they prohibit any alcohol from being sold or distributed within the borders. Others impose time limits which govern the hours and occasions when alcohol may be sold. Still others allow spirits and liquor to be sold at designated “Package Stores,” while allowing beer and wine to be sold in supermarkets and convenience stores.
There are also laws about the minimum age for those who may legally serve alcohol. In 24 states, only those who are 18 years old or older may bartend in on-premise establishments. There are 37 states that allow people 18 years old and older to serve alcohol in on-premise establishments.
Many questions about the production, distribution, sale, and consumption of alcoholic beverages can be answered by the State Alcoholic Beverage or Liquor Control Board Agency.
Our network of attorneys can assist you with defending yourself in your own state and individual municipality. We are familiar with the many nuances of statutory law and intricacies of case precedence. If you have been cited for a violation of alcohol laws, it is in your best interest to submit the details of your case online – today -- to connect with an attorney who is thoroughly experienced with providing qualified defenses to violation of alcohol laws where you live.